Why Good Sleep is Essential for Staying Healthy
Health is on all of our minds right now, and for good reason. We’re all making sure to wash our hands for thirty seconds, avoid touching our faces, and get plenty of vitamin C. But there’s one thing that’s so simple that we might have even forgotten to think about: sleep.
When it comes to staying healthy and well, getting enough good quality sleep is absolutely essential. Prioritizing good quality sleep is an effective (and often overlooked) health and wellness strategy, especially when there is a virus going around. According to health experts, sleep is one of the most important factors in strengthening and fortifying your immune system. Adequate rest also helps your body fight off existing infections and pull through any flu symptoms you may be experiencing if you are carrying the virus.
Not only do we need to maintain healthy sleeping habits for preserving our physical health, but for our mental and emotional health as well. Research shows that quality sleep leads to greater emotional stability, better ability to handle stress, and an overall brighter mood. When we are sleep deprived, we’re more emotionally reactive, our decision making is impaired, and we’re more prone to anxiety and depression. In other words, sleep is very important in helping you make it through times of stress and chaos.
And in order to get good sleep, you need a good mattress that works for your specific needs. Sleeping on an old, worn out mattress will likely lead to tossing and turning, causing muscle aches, back pain and eventual sleep deprivation, which weakens your immune system and makes it a lot harder to deal with stress. It's more important now than ever to check in with the state of your mattress to see if it's supporting you, or working against you.
Do you need a new mattress, but are worried about how to safely shop for one in our current environment? We’ve got you. If you’re wondering how to responsibly shop for a mattress right now, here’s what you need to know.
How to Buy a Mattress in Sleep First
Online and private shopping are the only available options while we act responsibly during this pandemic. At Sleep First, we offer all of our mattresses online, and with special web-only deals.
Additionally, we’re currently offering the following free services to ensure everyone's safety AND sleep:
CONTACT FREE same-day or next-day home drop off
CONTACT FREE pickup at our warehouse or arranged store location
Our Sacramento Valley & Texas showrooms are currently booking private shopping hours by appointment. During private shopping hours we are following social distancing directives, and cleaning our stores prior to and after every private appointment using cleaning materials approved by the state of California.
Though as the situation is shifting so rapidly, this is all subject to sudden change in order to keep all of our employees and customers safe. We are committed to keeping you well rested and safe. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all-- we’re here for you!
Here’s how to contact us:
Use our web chat to speak with staff at your local store
Call Molly at (888) 975-3371
Email [email protected]